Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Symbol Records

(You can sign up free and listen to albums)
Clint-Love: Finishes 5 of 5 New Albums: 1. Symbol Records Studio Freestyles Featuring Jamal Swain "Jay-Stone as album model 2. DJ Snetch She's lying Vol. 3  Featuring Ann Marie Bautista as the album model. 3. Battle Market Underground.  4. Sting Operation inspired by his 2019 Soliciting to Prostitution San Francisco California February Sting operation arrest at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. 5. Splash inspired by his nephew from his half sister statement of maybe he's (Clint-Love) the problem not the Gay's. Author A.C.S. corrects children book to the best of his knowledge and adds color to the pictures.
Bored at home quarantined? Symbol Records Artist Clint-Love is out in selected online stores and available to download now. Log into the site and be fascinated by Clint-Love albums.  Author Albert Clint Simms  finishes Sequel to I want to be a Star (Sweet Dreams) called I want to be a Star 2 (Mortal Soul).

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